Sourdough Classes @ Quince Bakery, Islington
This spring, I'll be running four sourdough classes at the beautiful Quince Bakery in Islington, home of my fabulous baker friend Anna Higham.
During the class you will learn all about how to make your own sourdough bread from scratch, eat sourdough crumpets for breakfast and sourdough pizza for lunch, with beer or wine. As well as a lot of bread, participants will go home with bannetons, dough scrapers, dough blades, a recipe PDF and a pot of my 12-year-old starter.
Classes will be held on Sundays and Mondays when the bakery is usually closed: Sunday 27 April, Monday 28 April, Sunday 11 May and Monday 12 May.
Classes run from 10am to 4pm and cost £180
To sign up, email martha@marthadelacey.com